Air Force's Inspector General releases Report of Inquiry, Independent Racial Disparity Review


The Secretary of the Air Force (SecAF), Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF), and Chief of Space Operations (CSO) directed the Department of the Air Force Inspector General(DAF IG) to assess racial disparity in military discipline processes and personnel development and career opportunity as they pertain to black Airmen and Space Professionals. For purposes of this review, “racial disparity” refers to a noted data difference between races. Specifically, this Review defines racial disparity as existing when the proportion of a racial/ethnic group within a subset of the population is different from the proportion of such groups in the general population. While the presence of a disparity alone is not evidence of racism,1 discrimination, or disparate treatment, it presents a concern that requires more in depth analysis. Guided by the disparities identified and concerns raised in this report, the root cause analyses and systemic action plan phase will follow as outlined in the “Highlights” section below.

The DAF recognizes other disparities across a range of minority groups are equallydeserving of such a review. However, this Review was intentionally surgically-focused on discipline and opportunity regarding black service members to permit a timely yet thorough review that should lead to systemic and lasting change, as appropriate. Nonetheless, lessons learned and insights gained from this Review should benefit broader minority initiatives.

It is worth noting this Review and resulting actions are a subset of, and will feed into,broader and more comprehensive Department of Defense and Department of the Air Force Diversity & Inc.

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